
About Bowdoinham

Bowdoinham is one of Maine’s most picturesque and historic river towns.  The Cathance River flows through town before joining five other rivers in nearby Merrymeeting Bay.  In the nineteenth century, Bowdoinham was a major center of lumber milling, ship building and ice harvesting.  Today, it is a vibrant, friendly, family-oriented community of 3,000 residents, working in a wide variety of areas.  Many farms have sprung up, and the town has become home to a large number of artists and craftspeople, including painters, sculptors, fiber artists, metal workers and furniture makers.



About Cathance River Gallery

Cathance River Gallery is located at 18 Main Street, in the center of town.  Its owner, Bill Stanton, a painter, opened the gallery in September 2021 in order to showcase the work of artists and craftspeople in the area.  Original paintings, photographs and craftwork in various media are available for purchase.  The gallery also supports special events and shows.  A restaurant and pub, waterfront park and boat launch are within easy walking distance.